Spiral conveyance is a well-proven method throughout the world when handling bulk materials in agriculture. In modern fattening establishments a rotating spiral transports the processed food inside the KURO spiral conveyor from the storage tank in to the feeding system.
KURO’s wide range of spiral conveyors enables an optimal feeding of your feeding system by using various lengths and radii.
Diameter (mm):50, 54, 55, 56, 63, 75, 89, 90, 110, 125, 127
Execution:with socket and slot
Remarks: high impact resistant, resistant of abrasion, UV-constant, weatherproof
1. ProArc manipulators are heavy duty and precise automatic welding systems.
It can support both circumferential and longitudinal welding application from
small tube to big tank.
2. The stroke of column and boom is available from 2m x 2m to 7m x 7m.
3. ProArc manipulators are heavy duty, precise automatic welding systems. They
are designed for circumferential or longitudinal welds of great length.
4. All manipulators are available as bolt-down or free standing base, and heavy
duty table bearing mount for column rotation or be mounted on to travel car.
5. All ProArc manipulators have anti-fallen device.
6. Controls include up/down, right/left travel switch speed potentiometer and
high rapid travel.
Handschweißen oder Roboterschweißen in den Verfahren „MAG-/MIG-/WIG-Schweißen.
Bauteilgröße Roboterschweißen: maximal 1500 mm x 1500 mm x 1500 mm
Bauteilgröße Handschweißen: maximal 2500 mm x 2500 mm x 2000 mm
Bauteilegewicht: maximal 1,5 t
Sauerstofflanzen, Sauerstoffkernlanzen
Zum thermischen Trennen von sehr großen Stahlteilen eignen sich Sauerstoffkernlanzen. Der auch Thermolanze genannte Brennstab besteht aus einem Rohr, der zusätzlich mit Drähten gefüllt ist. Die Sauerstofflanze wird im Betrieb mit Sauerstoff durchströmt und am Rohraustritt entzündet, was zu einer stark exothermen Verbrennung des Brennrohrmaterials führt.
Durch die hohe Schmelztemperatur eignen sich thermische Lanzen zum Schneiden von Kohlenstoffstahl und rostfreiem Stahl.
Zum Schneidbrennen schwerer Stahlteile haben sich Sauerstofflanzen mit einem Durchmesser von 16mm oder 3/8“ bewährt. Durch die Befüllung der Rohre mit besonders feinen Drähten im Durchmesserbereich von 2 bis 2,5mm, ergibt sich eine extrem hohe Schneidleistung bei absolut stabilem Brennverhalten. Unsere Standardlänge von 3 Metern ist preiswert und üblicherweise kurzfristig verfügbar. Andere Längen sind auf Anfrage erhältlich.
With the laser cutting and engraving machine XL-1200 eurolaser offers the possibility to process extremely broad materials on a comparatively small system. The processing area is 2,270 mm x 1,230 mm (89.3" x 48.4"). With the optional camera recognition system which is also available for other systems the production flow can be automated, leading to an increased economy of the laser processing.
The modular design enables eurolaser systems to be specially configured to suit every requirement. We analyze your requirements and configure the laser system individually for you. The usage of eurolaser laser machines enables you to process a wide range of materials, such as cutting of plastics, foams, textiles,
adhesive foils, wood, acrylic, composite materials and much more. We are pleased to run a cutting test in our Application Center by using your individual material. Subsequently, you will receive a detailed test report in order to identify how your material was cut and engraved with
Working area (w x l):2,270 mm x 1,230 mm (89.3" x 48.4")
DIMENSIONS (W X L X H):3,670 mm x 2,010 mm x 1,600 mm (144.4" x 79.1" x 62.9")
Max. material width:2,582 mm (101.6")
Material clearance:15- 55 mm (without material support)
Laser power:60 to 650 watt
Speed:1 - 1,414 mm/s (in steps of 1 mm)
Acceleration:max. 14,1 m/s² (555"/s²)
Elbow outlets for 90 ° bends 1.5 D
Up to 2 “elbow outlets fit on elbows of all diameters mentioned in our data sheet (see download area). Larger branches are manufactured precisely for the respective arch diameter.
Standards and special requests
We deliver elbow outlets in two pressure levels (3000 lbs and 6000 lbs) and in all common materials. If required, we can also supply special materials.
Technical specifications
More details, technical data and dimensions can be found in our data sheet "elbow outlets" in the download area. We will be happy to provide you with information on special dimensions and custom-made products on request.
Pressure levels:3000 lbs and 6000 lbs
Der fahrbare Entstauber DUSTOMAT 4 saugt wirkungsvoll alle Späne und Stäube ab, die u. a. bei der maschinellen Verarbeitung von Metall, Kunststoff oder Holz entstehen. Aufgrund seiner innovativen Bauweise besitzt er eine wesentliche höhere Saugleistung und damit ein besseres Ergebnis als seine Vorgänger. Gleichzeitig benötigt er weniger Druckluft und Strom und arbeitet somit auch energieeffizienter. Der DUSTOMAT 4 eignet sich für nahezu alle Branchen und punktet dank seiner abreinigbaren Dauerfilterpatronen mit einer langen Lebensdauer.
La machine PTA 200i utilise la technologie PTA pour réaliser des rechargements et des revêtements de soudage de superalliages métalliques en poudre. La flexibilité des machines permet la réalisation de soudages d’épaisseur comprise entre 1 et 6 mm en un seul passage et des revêtements du 0.5 jusqu’à 5.0 mm et une largeur maximale de 40 mm. CARACTÉRISTIQUES Les caractéristiques principales de la machine de PTA 200i sont la haute température de l’arc de plasma et sa concentration, celles-ci permettant une haute vitesse de rechargement, jusqu’à 3 kg/h. La machine est équipée de : Chalumeau YZR250 de capacité jusqu’à 200A en continu (chalumeaux de 125A et chalumeaux intérieurs disponibles sur demande) Chargeur de poudre AP Standard, capacité 6 kg., capacité du 0.5 jusqu’à 3 kg/h.
Berechnung, Konstruktion u Herstellung von Rohrleitung, Schweisskonstruktion, Module, Baugruppe aus Edelstahl und Sonderwerkstoffen nach PED (EN13445, AD-2000), ASME U-Stamp, China-Stamp A1, Russland
Komplexe Schweisskonstruktionen bis zu einem Gewicht von 12 Tonnen in Aluminium, Edelstahl und Sonderwerkstoffen führen wir für Sie auch in Lohnarbeit aus. KASAG verfügt als flexible Partnerin über alle wichtigen Zulassungen und Prüfverfahren. KASAG ist Ihre Expertin im Schweissen.
Bocchettone di riempimento filettato M60X2 maschio, da avvitare, saldare su serbatoi o collegare a tubi di carico flessibili per carburanti, oli idraulici e altri fluidi.
Il sistema di carico è disponibile in differenti lunghezze, materiali e tipologie.
A richiesta possiamo fornire versioni con filtro estraibile o fisso o sistemi di riempimento completi di tubi di carico flessibili.
Il bocchettone di riempimento M60X2 può essere abbinato alle nostre nicchie serie 60 F o direttamente ai nostri tappi filettati M60X2 con chiave e ALU M60X2.
Sono disponibili versioni con raccordo di ventilazione/sfiato e varianti in acciaio inox per applicazioni nautiche e ambienti corrosivi.
L’adozione di processi produttivi accurati eseguiti anche con macchine a controllo numerico CNC di ultima generazione e l’impiego di materie prime selezionate, concorrono a garantire qualità ed affidabilità nel tempo del nostro prodotto.
Our radiator valves DIN 42560 type A and type A OR are designed to be welded onto the transformer wall or on connection pipes. The radiator will be flanged on the four M16 holes (PCD=160 mm). The housing of the radiator valve is made of forged steel S355J2G3 and thus not subject to any leakage as it may occur with casted housing.
Due to the metal sealed clap a low leakage is permitted while the soft-sealed radiator valve is absolutely oil- and vacuum-tight. Both types are absolutely tight in operation condition to the outside. Our welding neck radiator valves DIN 42560 type A NW 80 fulfil the tightness requirements and operating conditions in accordance with DIN 42560 as well as EN 50216-8.
Wir bieten einen Laserschneideservice für alle Arten von Metallblechen an. Wir bieten Laserschneiden von Edelstahlblech, Kupferblech, Blech der ST-Serie und Aluminiumblech an. Wir lasern Ihre Zeichnungen in Metallbleche im dwg- oder dxf-Format. Wir bieten auch einen Service für technische Zeichnungen. Wir bieten Laserschneiddienste an, indem wir Ihre Skizzen in technische Zeichnungen umwandeln.
TM Mühendisli Ltd. Şti started its commercial life in 2009 in order to provide raw and processed metal products trading, manufacturing and engineering services to our industrial establishments in our region. Our business continues its commercial activities in a total of 3250m2 closed and 1500m2 open area in Torbalı and Bornova Doğanlar.
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Stainless steel system for cleanroom production with 400 W laser system
Positioning the laser head using a 3-axis servo system
Stainless steel lifting door with inspection window
Die neu entwickelte Automatikpistole ist ideal für schnelles Arbeiten ohne schnelle Ermüdung. Im Vergleich zu einer vollständigen Automation ist dieses Produkt durch den bedienden Schweißer wesentlich flexibeler und kombiniert somit die Erfahrung des Schweißers und die höre Effiziens der Maschiene. Die AS5200 verfügt über eine vollautomatische Zuführung und kann Idealerweise mit einem Balancer verwendet werden. Schnell, flexibel, einfach. Auch mit Schablonen verwendbar
Construção: Solução para vedações temporárias, aplicada tipicamente na área da construção e até mesmo no decorrer eventos e outros acontecimentos temporários. Esta solução é económica e flexível dada a sua fácil mobilidade
The fully integrated slide-up welding helmet with internal ADF and super-compact dimensions with minimal weight. Equipped with adaptive ShadeTronic® technology, a panoramic field of vision, IsoFit® Headgear and the new optrel hardHat industrial safety helmet.
Experience top performance even in the most demanding environments:
– Seamless working without changing helmets - for welding, grinding and cutting.
– Superior field of view for unrestricted perspectives.
– Minimal strain on neck muscles for sustained comfort.
– Maximum comfort, without compromise.
Shade levels:9-14
Field of vision:up to 6.3 times bigger than a 100 x 50 mm standard ADF
As grelhas de grade retangulares são elaboradas com maestria para otimizar a drenagem de água superficial, apresentando trilhos laterais em forma de U para reforço e partes embutidas para maior estabilidade. Essas grelhas são compatíveis com vários tipos de canal, incluindo anéis de fixação, canais de chapa metálica, canais de polipropileno e canais de concreto polimérico. Fabricadas com altura de 25 ou 40 e largura variando de 100 a 1000, elas atendem aos padrões da Classe A15 conforme EN124:1995, tornando-as ideais para áreas de pedestres e ciclistas. Construídas em chapa metálica galvanizada ou aço inoxidável AISI 304, essas grelhas estão disponíveis em tamanhos padrão e personalizados, garantindo um ajuste perfeito para qualquer aplicação.
As grelhas de grade retangulares combinam resistência e versatilidade, proporcionando uma solução confiável para as necessidades de drenagem em ambientes internos e externos. Sua construção robusta garante durabilidade e resistência ao desgaste, enquanto seu design personalizável permite soluções sob medida para atender a requisitos específicos de projetos. Essas grelhas não apenas melhoram a funcionalidade dos sistemas de drenagem, mas também contribuem para a estética geral, tornando-se uma escolha preferida para arquitetos e construtores que buscam soluções de drenagem eficientes e visualmente agradáveis.
This is a turnkey hangar construction project delivered by KEP.
Our capabilities include sheet steel laser cutting, profile laser cutting, profile hollow section bending, sheet steel pressing, fabrication, certified welding, hot dip galvanizing, electrostatic painting, machining of steel parts, civil constructions, solar panel structures, solar trackers, gutters, chimneys, fences, ladders.
Solar Industry
Solar panel structures, solar trackers, construction of solar panel bases, steel and galvanized steel fabrication.
Wind Energy
Wind turbine constructions, engine housing, steel foundation of wind turbines, fabricated steel parts.
Power Plants
Welded steel fabrications for power plant infrastructure, façades, panels, platforms.
Hydro Energy
Stainless steel turbine housing fabrication, welded steel constructions for dams, hydroenergy plants, general steel structures.Building & Construction
Our works include many different designs and steel structures for building industry and construction works for industrial and accomodation purposes.
Façades & Exterior Constructions
Steel façades, steel ladder constructions, metal platforms, metal bases, industrial ceilings, steel fences, welded metal fences, steel balcony guards.
Water Management
Chimneys, grouts, rain gutters, steel ventilation, drip edges, snow guards, steel roof caps, general steel fabrications for homebuilding and protection.
General Steel Works
Fences, ladders, steel bases, steel ceilings, stairs, steel fabrication of balconies.
Our previous experience shows numerous successful projects and tenders in steel fabrication of infrastructure industry.
Steel Infrastructure
Steel constructions of roads, steel galvanzied street lamps, telecommunication towers, electrical towers, steel road fences.
Civil Works
Steel fabrication thrash cans, steel garbage bins, steel railings.
Cable Cars & Funiculars
We are experienced in transportation industry as well as steel constructions of cable cars and welded fabrications of structures of funiculars.
Cable Car Construction
Welded, galvanized or painted steel parts for cable cars, complete cable car steel constructions.
Funicular Station Structures
Steel fabrication works for funicular stations, ropeways, transportation parts, metal constructions.
Our engineers’ experience allows us to work seamlessly with machinery production companies for steel constructions.
Machinery Construction
Welded, machined, galvanized or painted structures and steel constructions of machinery.
Serial Production
Serial manufacturing of machine structures, stainless steel parts, laser cut steel works.
Interior Decor & Furniture
Our production includes sheet steel laser cutting, laser steel profile cutting, that are perfect for production of interior decor and furniture projects.
Interior Decor
Steel ladders for home and building interiors, fabricatel metal railings for homes, winter garden steel constructions.
Furniture & Appliances
Production of furniture steel parts, welded furniture fabrication,.
Custom Projects
Steel fabricated works for interior architecture projects, custom designed production of steel structures.
General Construction
We are open and able in different sectors that require welded constructions. For any grand project we will engage our team for best construction works.
Depos, Silos, Containers
Stainless steel welded chemical depo production, stainless steel silo fabrication, steel containers for energy, prefabrics, homebuilding, industrial metal containers.
Warehouse and Hangars
Façades for warehouse and hangars, steel fabricated support structures, steel bases, complete steel welding constructions.
About Us
We as Kosovo Engineering Projects LLC are a company in the prestigious Innovation and Technology Park in Prizren. We provide high quality machining and welding projects for various industries. Our goal is to increase the dynamics and capabilities of Kosovo’s industry.
We are a group of engineers, operators, welders and technicians who have tens of years of experience working with companies in the European Union. Our approach to steelworks projects are always detailed, refined and quality oriented.
Notre service de polissage de l'acier inoxydable comprend des travaux précis sur des pièces de forme atypique mais aussi le polissage traditionnel de la surface des tuyaux, conteneurs, tôles et autres. Nous utilisons uniquement des outils fiables et des matériaux de producteurs renommés, ce qui nous permet d'atteindre une haute précision et une qualité exceptionnelle de l'usinage de l'acier inoxydable. Quelle que soit la complexité de la commande, nous garantissons une réalisation fiable, ponctuelle et complète.